Questo gel manuale pulisce e disinfetta le mani senza asciugarle. Dal momento che è completamente senza sapone e acqua applicabile, semplicemente dai una piccola quantità sulle mani asciutte e strofina accuratamente su entrambe le mani. Handgel disinfettante, senza fragranze, dimensioni pratiche per la strada. Assorbimento rapidamente e immediatamente efficace.
The information in the product description above is suggestive only, sourced straight from the manufacturer or supplier. It is possible that some facts of the product information are inaccurate or insufficient. We therefore recommend that you use the product description information as a guide, but that you verify the information upon physical receipt of the product. The information would include direction on appropriate use, side effects, and ingredients, as well as any application guidelines or warnings. If you have any questions or concerns about the product, please contact us on live chat or call 056 995 0707
CATEGORY: Cold & Flue Season, CURA PERSONALE, Dulgon, Essentials covidi, Igiene delle mani, IGIENE PERSONALE, Igienizzante mani,