Gentle exfoliating peel for daily use
Removes dead skin cells
Leaves a natural glow
With a mild combo of glycolic acid, citric acid and lactic acid
Helps to unclog pores
Protect your environment! The container is 100% recyclable.
How to use
Use once a day after cleansing. Gently wipe the pad over face, neck and décolleté and follow up with your usual skincare routine. If you use the exfoliation pads regularly, you should give your skin additional protection with the SUN CARE UV-Protection Cream UVA/UVB SPF 50+. Use on intact skin only. Avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes. If contact occurs, flush eyes thoroughly with clean water.
It is best to use the exfoliating AHA pads in the evening after cleansing the face, because they prepare the skin beautifully for any skincare products that go on top and the skin can better regenerate overnight.
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